Garlic Herb Tortelloni
Who’s ready for a new recipe post?? WE ARE!
It’s been a month since I last posted and honestly, it seems longer. With warmer weather and produce harvested daily we have been putting in at least 60 hours a week. My easy winter/early spring blogging is now replaced with nothing short of controlled chaos on the farm. It is exhausting and overwhelming on some days but, we love it regardless.
On to our recipe!
A little over a year ago I received a free trial with Hello Fresh. We are interested, in the future, to put together market meals. These would be full meals with all of the needed meat, vegetables, some spices and etc for a quick, healthy and locally sourced meal. Hello Fresh does all of this through a delivery service but, without the sourcing of local ingredients. We loved the ease of everything in one bag and pre-portioned with recipe cards attached.
The one meal that we have made over and over has been the Garlic Herb Tortelloni. It is not only easy but, delicious.
Here is what you need:
1 package of Tortelloni. I like to buy the family size pack in the refrigerated section at Aldi’s.
5 tablespoons of softened butter
Olive Oil - 1-2 tbl.
2 small/medium size Zucchini (yellow or green) We used yellow as it was ready to be picked.
Tomatoes (Cherry, Roma or another favorite variety will do) 1 larger slicer or 15-20 cherry tomatoes
2/3 cup of Panko Breadcrumbs
1/2 cup Parmesan Cheese
2 tsp Italian Seasoning
1-2 tsp Chili Flakes (optional)
2 cloves of Garlic - or Garlic Scapes (if your using locally sourced garlic please note you may need as little as 1/2-1 clove. Our garlic is considerably fresher than the store and really gives you tons of flavor with so much less. If your using Garlic Scapes I like 3 whole scapes in ours.)
Preheat your oven to 450 degrees.
Prepare and cut your zucchini and tomatoes (if using a slicing tomato) The zucchini we cut in half length-wise and then again crosswise making half moons. The tomato can be cut into wedges but, in my image, which is taken after roasting them, you can see I used cherry tomatoes and didn’t do anything to them.
Line a baking sheet with foil (optional). Place your prepared zucchini and tomatoes on the baking sheet. Drizzle the zucchini and tomatoes with olive oil and then sprinkle salt and pepper on top.
Place in your preheated oven and let roast until tender. 15-20 minutes.
Next, take 4 tablespoons of your softened, not melted, butter and mix in the italian seasoning, garlic or garlic scapes and a 1/2 tsp of salt. You may add a pinch, or more of chili flakes if you like a little extra heat.
NOTE: If using scapes and you haven’t used them before simply chop up the scapes thinly, similar to onion chives and add them to the butter.
Once well mixed set aside.
Bring a medium pot of salted water to a boil. Once water is boiling add tortelloni and cook until al dente.
Once the pasta is done, turn off stove, drain water and add tortelloni back to the empty pot.
Scoop your garlic butter mixture into the pot with the cooked pasta and let the garlic herb butter coat the tortellini completely. The butter should melt quickly from the warmth of the cooked pasta and it will smell devine!
Cover the pasta with a lid and set aside.
Place a small pan on the stove. Turn the burner on to low/medium heat and place a tablespoon of butter in the pan.
Once the butter is melted and coats the bottom of the pan place 2/3 cup of Panko Breadcrumbs in the pan. Cook until the bread crumbs are toasted and a nice darker brown color.
Divide the tortelloni between bowls. This should make four servings however, we usually only do three…. we really like this dish! Top the tortelloni with the roasted veggies, sprinkle with Parmesan cheese, the toasted breadcrumbs and ENJOY!!
This dish is the first dish we made with our first harvest of zucchini and cherry tomatoes this year. There are never any leftovers when I make this.
Completed dish from Hello Fresh.
While the image from Hello Fresh is much more appealing than mine (thanks for letting me down android camera) the meal still tastes delicious and is a nice addition to any home dinner menu.
On the farm we currently have zucchini, garlic scapes or garlic heads and lots of tomatoes. We would be thrilled to help provide you with locally sourced items to complete this dish.
Reach out to us via email, Facebook or Tuesdays and Fridays at the Sedalia Area Farmers Market from 3-6pm.